Our Reason For Existing...

Executive Summary

Jonosha Inc offers a comprehensive, AI-enabled financial management solution through a single dashboard.

Our ecosystem combines various banking, insurance, and accounting features, providing users with a one-stop solution for all their financial needs. By seamlessly integrating these services, we aim to revolutionize the way individuals and businesses manage their finances, improve productivity, and make informed financial decisions.

Jonosha Assist (the dashboard)  is connected to an ecosystem of financial and business services that address the growing need for streamlined financial tool that connects the dots between the simple financial choices that users make each day, and the impact those little decisions have on their overall financial outlook and net worth.

By seamlessly integrating banking, investment, insurance, and personal accounting features into one user-friendly platform, Jonosha Inc. aims to empower individuals and their small business enterprises to take control of their dynamic and often confusing finances and manage them efficiently and effortlessly.

Our unique value proposition, coupled with the potential scalability of our technology beyond the United States, positions us as a disruptive force in the market, poised for significant growth and global impact.

We are currently considering venture capital investment to initiate product development, expand market reach, and drive customer acquisition.

What we are building....

Jonosha Assist by Jonosha Inc.

Each module will eventually be a separate company owned by Jonosha Inc (and future partners)

In Progress…

Coming Next…

Medium Term Plans…

Long Term Plans…


Jonosha Assist (Also coming soon) is the web and mobile application that seamlessly integrates all the services listed above into one easy-to-use dashboard

Our Mission...

Problems We Solve

By addressing the following problems, the application assists users in enhancing their productivity, streamlining their workflow, and improving overall performance in life and business.

Our Markets...

Market Analysis

The fintech industry presents a dynamic and growing market opportunity for Jonosha Group. With a well-defined target market, unique value proposition, and comprehensive marketing strategy, we are confident in our ability to capture market share and become a leading provider of financial management solutions.

The financial technology (fintech) industry has witnessed rapid growth in recent years, driven by advancements in digital technology and changing consumer behaviors. With increasing numbers of individuals and businesses seeking convenient and efficient solutions for managing their finances, there is a significant market opportunity for Jonosha Group.

The global fintech market is currently estimated to be  $305.7 billion at 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6% during the current period. This strong growth is attributed to the rising adoption of digital payment methods, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence in the financial sector.

In terms of target market segmentation, Jonosha Group will focus on two primary customer segments: individual consumers and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). For individual consumers, the convenience, integration, and personalization offered by our AI-powered dashboard will be key selling points. By providing users with a holistic view of their financial accounts, investments, and budgets, we aim to appeal to tech-savvy (and often neuro-divergent) consumers who value simplicity and accessibility.

For SMBs, our comprehensive suite of financial management tools will cater to their unique needs. Features such as automated accounting, expense tracking, invoicing, and cash flow management will enable businesses to streamline their financial processes and make data-driven decisions. This target market is particularly promising, as SMBs account for a significant portion of the global economy, with their numbers expected to grow substantially in the coming years.

Competitive assessments reveal that while there are existing fintech companies offering similar services, few provide the level of integration and simplicity that Jonosha Group offers. Our key differentiators lie in our AI-enabled dashboard, which consolidates multiple financial services into one platform, simplifying the user experience. Additionally, our strategic partnerships with major banks and financial institutions will give us a competitive edge by allowing seamless integration with existing accounts and providing access to a broad customer base.

To effectively reach our target market, we will employ a multi-channel marketing strategy. This will include digital marketing campaigns, social media advertising, partnerships with influencers and industry experts, as well as traditional marketing channels such as print media and local events. By targeting specific demographics based on their preferences and needs, we aim to create brand awareness, generate leads, and drive customer acquisition.

Cast of Characters...

Our Team

John Campbell

CEO | CPO | 100% Owner

I am a focused, solution oriented business operator with a passion for solving puzzles. My working career began in the military as a commissioned officer of the ABDF. After leaving military service in January of 2000, I pursued a 20yr career in Security Management as the owner-operator of First World Security Services Ltd. I dissolved FWS in 2020 to pursue my dreams of internet based entrepreneurship and started Florida based internet company, Places Network LLC.

Management Style

I have a unique way of understanding, developing, and uplifting people who work with me that can’t easily be put into words. It’s just a natural thing that happens and has worked well for me over the years

Core Values

Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians ch4 v8


I am the proud father of two estranged Florida based children who are currently transitioning into adulthood without me. I am creating the Jonosha Network as a legacy to them of who I am, and all that I have ever learned as a business person.


When I closed my security company in 2020, I made a committment that any company that I create in the future has to give back as much as it takes; to employees, contractors, clients, customers, and the community. The Jonosha Network is the embodiment of that commitment for me.


Kemoir Martin

CFO | COO | 1st Hire

Kemoir is a strict disciplinarian who keeps her eye on the gaps created by John’s productive process. She ensures that bills are paid on time, accounts are updated as appropriate, reports are prepared and shared with the team. She is a wizard with conducting interviews and selecting great team members for our operations. Kemoir has worked with John directly and indirectly as an administrator for over a decade so far.

Management Style

Kemoir is a gentle personality who rarely misses anything. She offers guidance and solutions with a view to help team members improve and thrive. She however never let’s the disciplinary or reward process falter so employees files are top notch account of their tenure.

Core Values

If you ask Kemoir she will tell you that her name and reputation as a trustworthy and dependable resource is at the top of her agenda. So far her track record for honest integrity and reliability is undefeated.


As the first in her immediate family to attend university, Kemoir is intent on demonstrating what is possible for people like her in Caribbean communities where it is all too common to accept the status quo and not reach for the stars in life.


Kemoir is committed to personal growth and Family values in her community. She is curious and always trying new things. Her recent determination to forage into the stock markets as an amateur investor speaks volumes to the direction her future is going.


Let's call them...

Cody Swifley


While  Cody has not yet been selected for the essential role of CTO, we are prepared to launch the first revenue generating and market discovery phase of the Jonosha project without them. 

Cody will come on board at Phase-2  where alliances have been made and contracts have been signed with adjacent service providers and carriers.  At this point all product offerings and workflows will have been streamlined. 

Cody's only focus at that point will be to develop our  proprietary, and patentable, web and mobile applications to replace our scrappy MVP and bring the full featured Jonosha AI Assistant to life for users.


Potential Cap Table...

Smart Investors


Our Investors understand that the scope of what we are creating at Jonosha Inc is ridiculous, unhinged, froth with political and regulatory obstacles, and are still both brave and crazy enough to bet, against all odds, that the most ill-positioned, unqualified and inexperienced founders in the history of startups, have the grit, determination, and intellectual flexibility to actually pull it off anyway.

They have grasped that, in spite of all the obvious reasons to clutch wallets and run for the hills, this project probably has the greatest potential to impact the economic future of people around the World and, by extension their communities and families, by simply helping each user to be more in control of income and expenses, solving real issues in real time with the help of rapidly evolving AI technology.

How We Serve You...

Our Services

In an ideal World, the Jonosha group of companies are powerful (mostly invisible) engines that deliver full featured services to the users of the seemingly nondescript Jonosha Assist dashboard.  They are each, however, stand alone companies with their own specialized team of qualified operators and API's that make Jonosha Assist Application possible.

Jonosha Network

Easy Networking Platform For Life & Business

Jonosha Stores

Easy Buy & Sell Network for Life and Business

Jonosha Assist

Integrated AI Assistant makes it easier to get finances right.

Jonosha Office

Ai Enhanced Business Management Software

Jonosha Skills

Learn Life and Business Skills from AI Instructors.

Jonosha Pay

Easier to manage a budget with a Jonosha Pay Card

Jonosha Talent

Full Featured Staffing Portal for Job Seekers and Employers

Jonosha Capital

AI Enhanced Lending Facility for Life and Business

Jonosha Financial

Variable Premium Insurance Products for Life and Business.

Jonosha Spaces

Easy Living & Co-Working Spaces For Life and Business

Jonosha Flex

Easy Transportation & Delivery Services for Life and Business

Jonosha Acquisitions

We randomly buy boring business in boring verticals

Jonosha Films

Video streaming platform for amateur filmmakers

Jonosha Heart

Social enterprise alleviating the homeless epidemic.

Jonosha Logistics

Freight brokerage powered by AI enabled dispatch and tracking.

Jonosha One

AI Moderated deposit accounts for life and business.

Pre-Seed Runway...

Funds We Need

We confidently present an exciting investment opportunity in Jonosha Inc.

The requested pre-seed funding will primarily be used to accelerate product development, enhance our marketing efforts to drive customer acquisition, expand our market reach, and scale our operations.

The breakdown of our anticipated use of funds is as follows:

- Product Development and R&D: 30%
- Marketing and Customer Acquisition: 30%
- Market Expansion and Operations: 20%
- Team Growth and Talent Acquisition: 20%

By investing in Jonosha Inc., you will benefit from several compelling investment highlights:

1. Disruptive Technology: Our AI-enabled financial management solution with a unified dashboard sets us apart from competitors and positions us as innovators in the industry.
2. Strong Market Potential: The global fintech market's projected growth highlights the immense opportunity for market penetration and revenue generation.
3. Experienced Team: Our dedicated team will possesses deep expertise in finance, technology, and entrepreneurship, ensuring a strong foundation for success.
4. Strategic Partnerships: Key collaborations with reputable banks and institutions provide opportunities for enterprise-level integration and widespread adoption.
5. Scalability: Our business model and technology infrastructure are designed for scalability, enabling rapid expansion into new markets and customer segments.

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Your investment will play a pivotal role in accelerating our growth, enhancing our market presence, and revolutionizing financial management for individuals and businesses worldwide.

$ 0 K
Pre-Seed Target
$ 0 M
Post Valuation
$ 0 M
Total Investment
$ 0 M
Investment Cap

A 360° GTM Strategy...

Marketing Plan

Objective: The objective of marketing plan is to create awareness generate leads, and drive adoption for the Jonosha Assist application through an multi-channel go-to-market strategy

Target Audience: The target for the Jonosha Group includes individual professionals, small-medium-sized businesses (SMBs), and financial advisors seeking comprehensive financial management solution.

By implementing this multi-channel go-to-market strategy, Jonosha Group can effectively reach its target audience, build brand awareness, and drive user adoption for the application. Ongoing analysis and optimization will ensure the marketing efforts yield maximum results and contribute to the long-term success of the Jonosha Group application.

How You Can Help ...

Strong Partnerships

It is very important to us that Jonosha Inc is correctly structured as a holding company (corporation) that incorporates or acquires subsidiaries across the Globe. 

The complexity of our mission only becomes daunting if careful thought and planning is compromised by a need for quick wins and short term gains.

No details can be missed or procedures circumvented as we design, and build, the modular framework of this mammoth undertaking and the underlying technologies that enables the process.

In modern times with unfettered access to information, there is simply no excuse for operational or administrative mediocrity.

As such we need access to the kind of professionals who are patient, focused, and proactive in the face of uncertain odds.

The principals of Jonosha Inc are especially interested in working with partners who have active networks in the following industries...

Our Divisions ...

Key Activities

Social Business Directory

Jonosha Network

Jonosha is an AI moderated social bluebook of business people, places, professionals and service providers across every market and industry, initially spanning the United States and Canada, but eventually, across the globe.  


Jonosha Network

Personal AI Assistant

Jonosha Assist

Jonosha Assist is a powerful (Privacy Gated) Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration that will connect a user to all the functions and services across the Jonosha Network while appearing as a fun and friendly AI assistant and chat companion.


Jonosha Assist

Virtual Debit/Credit Card

Jonosha Pay

Jonosha Pay is a quick payments facility that will enable our AI integrated accounting system to quickly distribute funds to users, vendors, partners, contractors, and ambassadors in real time with minimum fuss and without complexity.


Jonosha Pay

Easy Shopping Network

Jonosha Stores

Jonosha Stores is a full featured online marketplace where vendors can list products for sale and buyers can enjoy the convenience of having all their shopping needs satisfied in the same network that manages all other areas of life and business.


Jonosha Stores

Spaces For Life & Business

Jonosha Spaces

Jonosha Spaces is a real estate venture that designs and builds affordable, AI integrated spaces for our people, places, professionals and service providers to live and work with maximum ease and top-tier support allowing them to stay focused on the areas of life and business that matter the most.


Jonosha Spaces

End-to-End Business Software

Jonosha Office

Jonosha Office is a full featured yet flexible business management software that provides granular control and analytics for all aspects of daily operations, administration and human resources management.


Jonosha Office

Credit On Demand

Jonosha Capital

Jonosha Credit is an integrated AI underwriter that is able to make cutting edge decisions mostly in favor of approving credit instantly for users' real-time needs based on the length and quality of their interaction with the Jonosha Network and with their personal AI assistant.


Jonosha Capital

Variable Assurance Products

Jonosha Financial

Jonosha Financial will deliver Insurance and assurance products with AI managed variable premiums that adjust based on real-time analysis of risk indicated by ongoing interaction with the Jonosha Network.


Jonosha Financial

Community Focused Startups

Jonosha Ventures

Jonosha Ventures will incubate and facilitate launching of startup ventures and boring businesses aross industries and borders with a view to systematically foster entrepreneurship and commerce in communities where it is most needed.


Jonosha Ventures

Global Deal Flow

Jonosha Analytics

Jonosha Analytics pays attention to consumer trends and commercial activity on the Jonosha Network in countries and territories around the World with a view to identify micro-opportunities that would not have been easily discovered with traditional methods of deal flow discovery.


Jonosha Analytics

Growth Partnerships

Jonosha Acquisitions

Jonosha Acquisitions will identify and acquire profitable operating comanies that can benefit and grow as a service provider  integrated with our AI enhanced technology.


Jonosha Acquisitions

Entertainment Accelerator

Jonosha Films

Discover creators , actors, producers or just have fun making independent films on our fun and mostly free video streaming platform for amateur filmmakers.  Display your best productions as Singles or Series and become known and loved by people who enjoy seeing others shine without restrictions or agendas.


Jonosha Films

Income For Everyone

Jonosha Ambassadors

Jonosha Ambassadors program is intended to ensure that all people living in a region where the Jonosha Network is active, has to option to earn an income, inspite of prevailing circumstances or employment status, so long as there is health and a willingness to generate new premium users for the platform.


Jonosha Ambassadors

Our Toolbox ...

Key Resources

Revenue Streams...

Money Matrix


Data Room

COMING SOON - Still a bit early for any meaningful content

Legal Documents
Financial Reports
Cap Table
Market Watch
Current Team
Future Team
Current Tech
Future Tech
Quarterly Updates
Division Updates
Future Roadmap
Future Services

Start a private chat with John on the Jonosha Network…